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How can we help?




Frequently Asked Questions:

How long will it take to see improvements in my child’s eating habits?

It really depends on your child’s unique situation, how many challenges you’re facing, and your willingness to be patient and consistent with the processes you’ll learn and implement. That being said, parents usually see positive changes within the first several weeks of working with us.

My child has a developmental delay/disability - will this work for us?

Yes. All children, regardless of ability, need good nutrition to develp and grow. However, if your child has multiple medical complications it’s a good idea to seek the advice of a Registered Dietitian in your area to determine if your child needs Medical Nutrition Therapy.

How is the information tailored to my family’s needs?

We like to interact with our members and learn more about you in our private Facebook group and during live calls. If you share, we’ll respond with suggestions to make our strategies work better for you.


Raising Healthy Eaters is a place parents and caregivers come to get help with common challenges families face at mealtime. With access to multiple resources and an experienced Registered Dietitian, you’ll learn tricks to make meals enjoyable again!
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